Friday, December 17, 2010

Science Fair Celebration

Today students had a party to celebrate their hard work on science fair in the last couple months. I am so proud of the hard work everyone put into this project. It was a great success and I can't wait to see everyone on January 10th for the school wide science fair. Today the signed progress report and five kingdom flip chart was due today. Have a great break!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bacteria in Henry

Today students observed and recorded bacteria growth in Henry World School. On last Friday, students went around Henry and swabbed areas to see which areas would grow the most bacteria. Today we are calculated the number of large, medium, and small colonies as well as the color and shape of each colony. We then ranked growth from the most growth to the least growth. We will finalize the results in the first week of January.



Monday, December 13, 2010

Activity #48 Handwashing

Today students simulated hand washing. Before we did this, students took quiz 5 over last week's content. The answers to the quiz are:
1-2: Viruses are non-living, not made of cells, and can't reproduce on their own. Bacteria are living, have a cell wall and no nucleus.
3: Two diseases in the Fungi Kingdom are athlete's foot and ring worm.
4: The kingdoms that have a nucleus are Protists, Plant, Animal, and Fungi.

Due on Block Days this week: SCIENCE FAIR!!!!!
Due on Friday: Flip Chart

Friday, December 10, 2010

Activity 46-47 Reducing Risk

Today students tested Henry for bacterial growth. Students selected two different places to test. We used agar in a petri dish to grow bacteria. Students used the scientific method and made hypothesis of where they thought the greatest amount of bacteria would grow. Students taped their petri dish closed and we will observe and analyze data.

Homework: Science Fair due on block days! Flip charts due next Friday!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Activity #45: 5 Kingdoms of Life

Today students examined the characteristics of the five kingdoms of life. Students first began by reading about microbes and their characteristics. As students read they filled in the inner conversation chart about what they noticed, what they wonder about, what they found out, and where they got lost. Next, we made a chart of the five kingdoms and put the characteristics of each kingdom into the chart. Then students made a flip chart of the five kingdoms.

Homework: Finish five kingdom flip chart and work on Science Fair

Hint: Quiz on Friday!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Activity #44: Classification of Microbes

For the first part of the day students went to their CSAP testing rooms and took the writing benchmark test. After the test was done, students attended periods 1-4. In science class, students practiced classifying microbes. They started of by looking a different cards that had information and pictures of specific microbes. Then as a group they sorted each microbe into a group according to a specific characteristic. Next, students were given a information card to each of the five kingdoms of life and a virus card. There job was to revise their groups into one of the kingdoms or virus groups. They wrote their final groups in their notebook.

Homework: SCIENCE FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honors Class: Cell (favorite place) Drawing

Hint: There will be a quiz on Friday over the 5 Kingdoms of life!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Unit C Quiz4

Today students took a quiz over the structures and functions of the cell's organelles. The answers to the quiz are: Plant cells have cell walls, chloroplasts, and a central vacuole which animal cells do not have. The mitochondria is used for cell respiration, the nucleus is the control center of the cell, the cell membrane protects the cell, the cytoplasm is the jelly that holds all the organelles in place, and the chloroplasts carry out photosynthesis.

Honors class: cell house diagram

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Activity #43 Protists and Bacteria

Today and tomorrow in block classes, students will be observing protists and bacteria under the microscope. Students will focus slides to look at characteristics of both microbes. Next, students will draw pictures of the microbes in their science notebook. Then students will complete a Venn diagram of protists and bacteria. Finally, students will write a summary of the similarities and differences between protists, bacteria, and human cells.

Homework: Study for organelle quiz on Friday!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Activity #42: A closer look

Today students started their new notebooks. We set up our table of contents and started activity 42 on page 4. Next students watched a power point on the organelles that make up a cell. As they watched the power point, they filled in a chart that had the structures and functions of each organelle. Finally students recorded their quiz grades on their ELG tracker.

Homework: Study for structure/function quiz on Friday!

Due Today: Make sure to have your new notebooks here!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Activity #40: A CELL MODEL

Today students participated in a cell membrane activity. We first reviewed what the cell theory is which states that all living things are made up of cells. Next we talked about our two new words: Cell membrane and cytoplasm. Next we made a model of the cell membrane and cytoplasm. Students watched as the white cornstarch turned purple and the orange Lugols stayed orange. We then discussed the possibilities of why this happened. Finally, we found out that only the orange molecules can travel through the bag(cell membrane) while the white cornstarch molecules were too large to go through the bag. This represents how the cell membrane works. It protects the cell by allowing some molecules to cross the membrane and keeps other things out.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Activity #39: Cells Alive

Today students examined the similarities between human cells and yeast cells. Students learned about cellular respiration. We used BTB solution which is blue when oxygen is present and yellow if carbon dioxide. When yeast carry out respiration, it is in a anaerobic environment where yeast break down sugar and release energy and carbon dioxide which is a waste product. When carbon dioxide is released, the solution turns yellow.

Students also took the 3rd quiz for unit C today!

Monday, November 22, 2010

College Survey Day

Today students took a college survey that looks at their personal characteristics and interests. After students complete the survey, specific jobs and careers are selected that represent the qualities of their survey. Students then research 2 careers to look at the amount of money they could make and the education they will need. We will finish the survey tomorrow!

Quiz tomorrow over Germ Theory!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Activity #37: Part II

Today students continued working on the Germ Theory of Disease Timeline. Each group was assigned one of the twelve scientists that we researched yesterday. Next students had to create a poster that had their scientists last name, important date, and discovery or contribution to help create the Germ Theory of Disease. Students then put all 12 posters together to create a timeline.

Hint: Quiz next Monday over scientists.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Activity #37: Germ Theory of Disease

During block days in Life Science, students will participate in Activity #37: Germ Theory. Students will research the contributions and discoveries of 12 scientists, which all helped to develop the Germ Theory of Disease. As we read, students will first discuss the important date that the discovery happened and the most important discovery for that specific scientist. Next students will complete their timeline worksheet. After the worksheet is filled in for each scientist, students drew pictures to help them remember the major contribution of the scientist. Tomorrow the students will create a life size timeline of the Germ Theory.

Homework Due Today: Plant and Animal Cell Coloring sheets

Monday, November 15, 2010

Math Acuity Testing

On Monday and Tuesday this week students will be taking the online Math Acuity test in science class. Students will work on science fair on Tuesday when they finish the test. Please remember to bring science fair sheet tomorrow!

Homework: Plant and Animal Cells (Coloring sheet) due on block day this week!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Activity #38 Plant vs Animal Cells

Today students participated in Activity 38: plant vs. animal cells. Students started the day by reviewing what microbes are. Next students took their weekly assessment over infectious diseases and microscopes. Then students looked at an onion plant cell and a human animal cell under the microscope. They drew detailed pictures of the cells. Then students completed a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting plant vs animal cells. Finally students came up with 3 characteristics that plant cells have that animal cells do not have.

Homework: color plant and animal cells. (Due the following block day!)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Activity 35-36 Microscopes

During Block Days this week in Life Science, students will be introduced to the microscope and use it to observe different types of microbes. Before students start looking at slides, they have to understand the different parts of the microscope and the function of each part. Next, students will rotate around the room using different microscopes to observe different microbes, which are organisms too small for your eye to see. Then students will describe the size, shape, and color of the microbe and they will draw what they see. Finally, students will be quizzed on the different parts of microscope.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Activity 32-33: Vectors and Carriers

Today students analyzed the difference between vectors and carriers. First, we discussed and defined carrier: a person who has no symptoms of a disease but still passes it on to someone else. Next, we defined vector: an organism other than a human who passes on a disease without getting sick. Then, we defined epidemiologist: a scientist who studies the path of an infectious disease. After we discussed these important terms, student watched a video on the Bubonic plague. While watching, students answered 4 questions:
1. In 1900, what did the government do to try to stop the plague?
2. Draw a diagram showing the spread of the Bubonic plague.
3. What is the vector of the Bubonic Plague?
4. In 1906, scientists finally knew what causes the plague, what did they do this time to stop the spread of the Plague?

Finally, students wrapped the day up by discussing how Malaria spreads and what we could do to stop the spread.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Activity #34 : The Story of Leprosy

Today students read a story about the infectious disease, Leprosy. As they read they took cornell notes on main ideas and details about the story. Next, students wrote a summary about the story and wrote to inference questions and answers that relate to the story. Then, students wrote a personal response to the story and explained how it was important to them. Finally, students took their weekly quiz over infectious vs non-infectious diseases.

Homework: Work on Science Fair!

Answers to Quiz

Herpes= Infectious
Asthma= Non-infectious
Heart Attack= Non-infectious

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Activity #31: Range of Diseases

Today students worked on researching a particular infectious disease. First, our class read about how scientists study disease. Our new word for the day was PSA or Public Service Announcement. Next, each group picked a different infectious disease packet which contained important information about the disease. Each group read the disease and carried out an inner conversation chart when reading the packet. After students finished reading, they wrote down the following information about their disease:
1. Description of Disease
2. Symptoms of Disease
3. How Disease Spreads
4. Picture of Disease

Finally, students created a PSA poster about their disease to present to the class!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Review Test and Science Fair Packets

Today students reviewed unit B: Human Body. Students received two scores, one for knowledge and one for processing. Next students finalized their science fair question and received a packet that they need to keep in their binder. Finally, students graphed their results for activity #30.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Activity 30: It's Catching

Today students started unit C: Micro life. We started the unit by exploring how infectious diseases spread in a community. Our two new words were infectious and disease. Students modeled how a disease could go from person to person. Next we totalled the number of people infected and tomorrow we will graph the results.

Tomorrow: You will get your tests back and you will receive science fair packets.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today student took their first test over the Human Body. There are 15 questions that cover the major concepts that we covered in class. The students also had a lab practical over the eye and frog. Students had to identify the organs and their function. Before students left they had to turn in their frog dissection lab report. As students took their test I graded their next four assignments in their notebook.

Homework: Have a great weekend!

You will know on Monday what your final science fair project is!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Activity #29: Unit B Review

Today students reviewed Unit B: The Human Body. We reviewed the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, and the nervous system. We talked about the parts and functions of each system. We also talked about the important concepts in each system. As we reviewed, the students took notes about what we talked about. We also reviewed the following dissection: Eyeball, frog, brain, and heart. The students will have to tell me what part I am pointing at and the function of each part. Finally, I answered any last minute questions about unit B!

Homework: Study for Test/ Frog Dissection Lab Report Due Tomorrow!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Activity #28: Heart Problems

Today students read about Heart Attacks and blocked arteries. They took Cornell Notes on the reading and wrote a summary about the reading. We talked about how the coronary artery bring oxygen into the heart which if blocked can cause a heart attack. We also talked risk factors that can lead to high blood pressure or heart attack: age, male or female, fats, diet, overweight, or heredity. Finally students filled in their inner conversations chart on the reading: What they noticed, what they wondered, and where they got lost.

Homework: Lab report due Wednesday. Study for Test!

Test on Human Body!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Interaction of Body Systems

Today students learned how our body systems interact. They also reviewed the major concepts that we have discussed throughout unit B: Body Works. Students played on teams which was their group, and participated in Body System jeopardy. Groups rotated and answered questions that were either review questions or questions about the interaction of body systems. If teams got it wrong they lost points and other teams could steal the points. If teams answered correctly they were awarded the points. Students wrote down important questions or concepts in their notebook throughout the game.

Homework: Frog Dissection Lab Report Due Wednesday

Alert: Unit B Test is Wednesday!!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Frog Dissection

Today students participated in our Frog dissection. We started off class by setting up the lab report.

I: Question
II: Hypothesis
III: Procedure/Materials
IV: Data
V: Conclusion

Next, students started dissecting the frog. As they dissected the frog they had to take out 8 different organs and place them on their corresponding chart. The students then drew pictures of the organs and filled in a Venn diagram of the similarities and differences of a frog and human body.

Homework: Finish Conclusion and lab report. Due Wednesday October 27th.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Activity # 25: Healing Heart

Today students participated in activity 25:Healing Heart. This activity included students watching a documentary on heart surgery. Students had to respond to 4 questions in the movie.

1. How has surgery and technology changed over time?

2. What were some concerns who have from the movie?

3. What are some issues with heart transplants?

4. What are other ways to prevent and treat heart problems?

Homework: Make sure to talk to parents about science fair!

Reminder: Parent Teacher Conferences Tomorrow!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Science Fair Introduction

Today we started talking about science fair. Students have a choice to work by themselves or with a partner. This project is student based and the majority of the work will be done outside of the classroom. Students are responsible for choosing a project and question that they can actually test. The project needs to be school appropriate and may not involve animals. The project has to be measured and only one variable can be changed. Today we went into the computer lab and students researched topics that they want to do for science fair.

Homework: Must have 3 different ideas (questions) for science fair.
Please talk to parents about your ideas and working with a partner or by yourself.

Attention: Please tell parents to come to parent teacher conferences this Wednesday October 20th from 4:00-7:30 to see all your teachers.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Unit B Quiz and Heart Dissection

Today students took the first quiz over unit B which mostly covered the circulatory system. The questions covered activities 20-23 and students were able to use their science notebooks. After students finished their quiz, they observed a sheep's heart. They wrote down the size, shape, texture, and color of the heart. They also followed the path of blood through the heart with their fingers. Finally, students had to write a summary about the heart.

Homework: Students need to write down ideas about science fair and decide if they will work with a partner in their class or work alone. This is due Monday and should be written in their planner.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Activity #23: Heart Parts

Today and Tomorrow during block days students are investigating the structures and functions of the heart. We will start off class by reviewing the three characteristics of the heart which are: the heart pumps blood around our body, the heart has valves, and the heart pumps blood in one direction. Next, students will read about the parts that make up the heart as well as their functions. As we read, students will create 4-corner vocab on the new words which are veins, arteries, atrium, ventricle, and valve. Next students will color the diagram of the heart showing where oxygen is present and absent. Finally students will write an essay of how our heart works.

Homework: Student need to write a one page essay on the function of the circulatory system and how our heart works. This is due Friday October 15th.

Hint: There will be a quiz over our body on Friday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Activity #21-22: Heart Pump and Muscle

Today students examined how are heart is like a pressure bulb. They both have valves, they both pump in one direction, and they both pump liquids. Students experimented with two pumps to find out these characteristics of the heart. Next, students examined how our heart is a muscle. We first did 4-corner vocab to define muscle, draw a picture, and use it in a sentence. Next students looked at how our heart is like a muscle which contracts and expands to pump blood throughout our body. Finally, students RAPP a paragraph of how our heart is like a pressure bulb.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Activity #20: Circulatory System

Today students participated in activity 20 which was an introduction to the circulatory system. Students learned how the respiratory and circulatory system work together to provide oxygen to our muscles and our body. Students watched a movie about working out which explored how our muscles need oxygen and how lactic acid can build up. Students then answered six questions that were covered in the movie. Finally, students wrote a summary about main idea of the movie.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Activity #19: Eye Dissection

Today students participated in the cow's eye dissection. We started off class by reviewing how the eye is part of the nervous system. Next each group got an eye, and student made external observations. They had to write about what they saw, shape, color, texture, and any other observations. Next students cut open the eye and started separating the parts of the eye. They then were quizzed on what the function is for each part of the eye. Finally, students had to write a reflection about what they learned in today's dissection.

Homework due today: Progress Reports!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Activity #18 Nervous System

Today students are working on Activity #18: Nervous System. Students will start the day out by reviewing the 3 main parts of the nervous system, the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves. Then students will zoom in on the parts of the brain. We will discuss the structures and functions of the brain. After we discuss the parts, students are going to dissect the brain and make observations about what they see. Students will end the class by looking at the parts of the eye and discussing how we see to prepare us for the eyeball dissection on Friday!

Homework: Progress reports are due Friday!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Activity #17: Gas Exchange

Today students participated in activity #17 Gas Exchange. We started by defining gas exchange, respiration, and indicator. Next students learned about the indicator BTB and how blue represented oxygen and how yellow represented carbon dioxide. Then student each had a plastic bag and straw. In the plastic bag students put water and BTB. Next students blew into the straw and noticed that it changed to yellow. They then added NaOH to turn back to blue. They count the number of drops and recorded their data. We finally made a graph. of the results. This showed how we breath in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Activity #6: Respiratory System

Today students did activity #16: The Respiratory System. We began class by assigning each student different pages to read about the respiratory system. The students silently read their assigned pages. After 5 minutes of reading, the students then took turns teaching the rest of their group about what they read. Each member had to tell the rest of the class what the main idea was from their reading and any important details that they learned. Next, students answered 4 questions about the respiratory system.
1. How is respiration different from breathing?
2. What are two functions of the respiratory system?
3. What is the pathway in which air goes to your lungs?
4. What gases are exchanged in the respiratory system?

After students answered these questions, they had to fill in the structures of the respiratory system on their worksheet.

Tomorrow: Gas Exchange Lab!

Homework: Progress reports were sent home today. They are due back this Friday with a parent signature!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Activity #15: Digestion Reading

Today students participated in activity #15 which was a reading about the details of our digestive system. Students learned two new vocab words which were nutrients and absorption. Students did the 4-corner vocabulary activity with these new words which include the word's definition, a picture the resembles that word, and a sentence that includes that word in it. We discussed how our stomach digests food with the help of hydrochloric acid and how our teeth use mechanical break down to cut food into smaller pieces. The final activity of the day was to write a paragraph that explains the function of the digestive system.

Next week: We will study the respiratory system and the nervous system. We will dissect the brain and eyeball next week as well!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Activity #14 part II: Breakdown Lab

Today students did activity 14 part II which was a lab on digestion. Students compared the size of food to time of digestion. Students started out by defining mechanical breakdown and chemical breakdown. After students defined these terms, students set up their lab materials. We discussed which variables were independent and which were dependent. Students made an hypothesis on which size of food (tablet) will dissolve the fastest. Next, students set up their trays which tablets and added 5 ml of vinegar. Then students measured the amount of time it took to dissolve the tablets. Finally, students created a line graph that displayed size of food to time to digest food. After they made their graph, students had to write conclusions about the experiment.

Homework: If students did not finish their conclusion they must do it for homework!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Liver Role Play

Today students read a role play about our liver. First students assigned each group member a different role in the play. They then read the play as a group at their table. After the group read the play, the class read the play together with four students standing up in front of the class. After the class read the play, students answered analysis questions 1-3 about the liver in the role play. Finally, students had to write a reflection about the role of liver in their body.

Something to think about: How is the liver part of the digestion system?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Activity #14 part I: Magic School Bus Digestion

Today students carried out activity #14 part one which is the beginning of the digestive system. Students had to answer six questions about the steps of the digestive system by watching Magic School Bus: Out to Lunch. At the end of the movie, students had to summarize the steps in which food moves throughout their body.

Hint of the day:

Step 1: mouth
Step 2: esophagus
Step3: stomach
Step4: Small intestine
Step 5: Large intestine
Step 6: Rectum

Homework due today: Organ Wanted Posters!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wanted Organ Posters

During block day is science class students created their organ wanted posters. Students had to include specific tasks on their poster.

Posters Need:

-Organ Title

-5 Questions

-5 Answers

- Picture of Organ




-CREATIVITY (caution/reward)

Students use the research from yesterday's class to make the poster.

Homework: Posters are due Monday!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Activity #13: Organ Wanted Poster

Today students worked on activity #13 which is an organ research project. Each student picked a different organ out of a grab bag. After students chose their organ, they had to answer specific questions about their organ. They were given library books to find the information about their organ. After students researched their questions, they are going to make a wanted poster for their particular organ.

The five questions they have to find are:

1. What organ system is your organ part of?

2. What is the function of your organ?

3. What diseases or disorders affect your organ?

4. Can you live without your organ?

5. What is the size, shape, and weight of your organ?

This poster will be due on Monday September 27th.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Human Body Drawing

During block days students did a couple different activities. First students did the 4-corner vocab activity with their new vocab words which were organ, organ system, and all the organs that we reviewed in the previous activity. The students then started on their human body drawing. In their groups they picked one person to trace the outline of their body. After the body was traced students began drawing and labeling 16 different organs that are inside our body. They had to divide the tasks among their group in order to complete the activity. The 16 organs needed to be the ones that we discussed the previous day in class. After their bodies are finished they will be hung up in the hallway for the school to see!

Homework Due today!!!! One page reflection summary of unit A: How we study people and medicine!

Have a great 4 day weekend!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Activity #12: What's happening inside?

Today we started Unit B: Human Body where students participated in activity #12. Students first defined their new vocabulary words which were organs and organ system. After our class defined the words, student made a 3-column chart that had organ/ organ system/ and organ function in each column. After we created the chart, we filled in the chart with 16 of our major organs. We discussed what system each organ belongs to and then talked about its function. At the end of class student reflected about what they learned today about the human body.

Monday, September 13, 2010

4-Corners Vocabulary and Picture Day

Today in science class students are taking their pictures for the yearbook and to buy. If students forgot to bring their money they can turn it into the office by Wednesday. After the students took their pictures they worked on an Activity called 4-corners vocabulary. Students picked five vocab words from unit A. They first wrote down the vocab words in the first box. In the next box the students wrote the definition of that vocab word. Next students drew an illustration or example of that vocab word. Finally students had to put that vocab word into a complete sentence which was not the same as the definition. This activity was due at the end of class.

Tomorrow we start Unit B: The Human Body

Homework: Students one page essay/ reflection on Unit A is due on their block day this week either Wednesday or Thursday!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Activity #10: Evaluating Clinical Trials

Today students watched a movie on Diabetes and Insulin. During the movie, students took Cornell notes about the main topics in the movie which included what Diabetes is, how insulin plays a role, how the Pancreas is involved, and how it was tested or studied. After the Movie students had to write a reflection or summary about what they learned, how scientists study Diabetes, and any questions they have. Students examined the ethics of testing dogs with insulin before humans and discussed how it is different today then back then.

Homework: Students were assigned the following homework today: Students must write a one page essay the answers the following question: How do scientists study people and medicine? The paper is due during the science block day next week, either Wednesday or Thursday!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Activity #9: Data Toss

During block days this week students will be participating in activity #9: Data Toss. Students will be using the scientific method while carrying out this activity. The question is : Is it easier to catch a ball with two hands or one hand? Next students had to make a hypothesis about what they thought was going to happen. Then students wrote out the steps for the experiment. When that was finished, students went outside with their partner and tested their hypothesis by catching the ball with one hand 15 times and then with two hands 15 times. They then had to record their data and explain whether is what easy, medium, or hard to catch the ball with one hand or two hands. Finally students wrote conclusions about their experiment.

Homework due today: PB and J re-written procedures

Friday, September 3, 2010

PB and J

Today students participated in a couple of activities. They took their first quiz of the year which covered what they have learned so far in life science. Most of the questions were related to vocab words that they have focused on in unit A. Students were allowed to use their science notebook as a resource for the quiz. Next, students wrote procedures for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. After the students were finished writing procedures, volunteers came up to read their procedures to the rest of the class. As they read procedures, I tried to make the sandwich. The students recognized that I was not able to make the PB and J because their procedures were not clear enough.

Homework: Students need to rewrite their procedures for making a PB and J making sure they have details and are clear and precise. This is due next week on their block day, either Wednesday or Thursday!

Hint: Do not come to school Monday!!! Happy Labor Day!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Activity # 6-7: Human Variation

During block days this week students are doing activities 6 and 7. First students will read activity 6 which explains the nervous system and touch receptors. While they read, the will take Cornell notes about the information that they are reading. The four main ideas in the reading are nervous system, nerves, eating food, and touch receptors. Next, students do activity 7 which is a touch test. The students test each other on their sensitivity to touch where they have to distinguish the difference between two points and one point. Students then analyze how human variation makes it difficult to study people.