Friday, October 22, 2010

Interaction of Body Systems

Today students learned how our body systems interact. They also reviewed the major concepts that we have discussed throughout unit B: Body Works. Students played on teams which was their group, and participated in Body System jeopardy. Groups rotated and answered questions that were either review questions or questions about the interaction of body systems. If teams got it wrong they lost points and other teams could steal the points. If teams answered correctly they were awarded the points. Students wrote down important questions or concepts in their notebook throughout the game.

Homework: Frog Dissection Lab Report Due Wednesday

Alert: Unit B Test is Wednesday!!!!!


  1. Deanna Main Period 2

  2. Samantha Ruckle. Period2

  3. hey its your favorite student aaron aragon from peroid 2:)

  4. aaron aragon per 2
