Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Activity #23: Heart Parts

Today and Tomorrow during block days students are investigating the structures and functions of the heart. We will start off class by reviewing the three characteristics of the heart which are: the heart pumps blood around our body, the heart has valves, and the heart pumps blood in one direction. Next, students will read about the parts that make up the heart as well as their functions. As we read, students will create 4-corner vocab on the new words which are veins, arteries, atrium, ventricle, and valve. Next students will color the diagram of the heart showing where oxygen is present and absent. Finally students will write an essay of how our heart works.

Homework: Student need to write a one page essay on the function of the circulatory system and how our heart works. This is due Friday October 15th.

Hint: There will be a quiz over our body on Friday.


  1. Deanna Main period 2

  2. Samantha Ruckle Per.2

  3. THANKS this helped a lot! I used it for my Health class project!

  4. dmy grade 2 studennt makes better stuff than this shit fuck you btw im in ur school bitches

  5. how dare you insult people on the software i created i thought ill give everyone in the schoool windows 8 but it looks like their pupils are very rude
